

Consultancy specialising in the enterprise systems management and automation toolsets from IBM and Red Hat

Tivoli Workload Scheduler (TWS/IWS), IBM Tivoli Monitoring (ITM), IBM Netcool Operations Insight (NOI), IBM Cloud Application Performance Management (APM) and Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager (TADDM).

Upgrading Your TWS Agents Using IBM Endpoint Manager

Upgrading and patching the Tivoli Workload Scheduler agents in your estate is a constant overhead which TWS administrators need to plan for in order to keep their agents compliant and in support, but also to [...]

How Linking TWS to Active Directory Will Reduce Your Administration and Improve Your Security

A question was asked on the maestro-l mailing list recently about how to restrict the actions of a user so that they only have read-only access to objects in the plan and database, and also, [...]

By |28 February 2014|Categories: TWS|0 Comments

Tivoli Workload Scheduler 9.2 Released

IBM Announcement Letter Detailed System Requirements for Tivoli Workload Scheduler 9.2 Detailed System Requirements for Tivoli Dynamic Workload Console 9.2 Not included in the TWS 9.2 bundle:- Jazz for Service Management Version 1.1 Fix Pack [...]

By |28 February 2014|Categories: TWS|0 Comments

Restricting Visibility Of Plan and Database Objects with the TWS Security File

Using the TWS security file, it is possible to remove the ability for a subset of users from seeing any objects in the plan or database, except for those belonging to an agent, or set [...]

By |16 February 2014|Categories: TWS|2 Comments

TWS Default Certificate Expiration – Step-by-Step Guide To Updating A Master Domain Manager

Introduction This is a follow-up to a blog post I did in March highlighting the need for TWS administrators to prepare for the expiration of the default SSL certificates contained within key TWS components. Since [...]

By |18 September 2013|Categories: TWS|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

TWS Certificate Expiration – February 10, 2014 – A Date For Your Diary

The Problem The latest fixpacks for Tivoli Workload Scheduler have included sections which discuss the expiration of the default SSL certificates that most Tivoli Workload Automation components use. These certificates will expire on February 10, [...]

By |19 March 2013|Categories: TWS|Tags: , , , , |1 Comment