

About MarkDelaney

Mark Delaney is a principal consultant for SYSTEMSMANAGED Ltd.

IWS/WebAdmin Now Supports IBM Workload Scheduler Version 10.1

I've been working with companies that use IWS/WebAdmin for over 15 years and the thing I like about it the most is it makes my life easier, because it makes their user's lives easier. For anyone familiar with IBM Workload Scheduler, the need to quickly monitor and create reports on the batch that each team [...]

By |7 July 2022|TWS|1 Comment

IBM Workload Scheduler 9.5 on OpenShift – Part 2

Kubernetes In the previous article, I discussed some of the drivers and benefits of moving to containerised and cloud-native workloads. Now that you've massively reduced the footprint your applications require, you need a way to manage, secure and scale your container-based applications, which is where kubernetes comes in. There's an abundance of material available online [...]

By |7 July 2020|OpenShift, TWS|1 Comment

IBM Workload Scheduler 9.5 on OpenShift – Part 1

So, lets get started. The drive to containerised software and cloud-native applications has been revolutionising the IT workplace in recent years. It's hard to believe kubernetes (k8s) is merely 5 years old or so, yet you would be hard-pressed to find any large company or cloud provider that has not already dedicated resources to move [...]

By |2 July 2020|Uncategorized|1 Comment

Getting Started – IBM Workload Scheduler 9.5 on Red Hat OpenShift 4

The UK Tivoli User Group is independent and user-run, dedicated to connecting IBM customers and providing free, bi-annual meetings which deliver presentations covering workload automation, event management, monitoring and storage topics. Customers who attend have a chance to interact with the developers and product specialists to understand the features of the latest releases and see [...]

By |2 July 2020|OpenShift, TWS|0 Comments

Find Out Who Cancelled The Payroll Job With TWS/WebAdmin

A question was posted on the maestro-l mailing list recently about if it's possible to run a custom SQL report to show cancelled jobs for a particular date range, or to search for a job name specifically. The responses pointed out that the plan audit information is not stored in the TWS database itself, so [...]

By |29 January 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Securing TWS and TDWC with Active Directory

In this presentation, learn how linking Tivoli Workload Scheduler and your Tivoli Dynamic Workload Consoles to Active Directory can dramatically reduce the effort required to control access to TWS while greatly improving security overall. Ease the burden on IT Security by removing the need for local accounts on your TWS infrastructure servers and help your [...]

By |16 January 2015|TWS|0 Comments

Upgrading Your TWS Agents Using IBM Endpoint Manager

Upgrading and patching the Tivoli Workload Scheduler agents in your estate is a constant overhead which TWS administrators need to plan for in order to keep their agents compliant and in support, but also to protect the TWS infrastructure as a whole by upgrading older agents to newer releases. Manual upgrades of agents is a time-consuming [...]

By |6 January 2015|TWS|0 Comments

How Linking TWS to Active Directory Will Reduce Your Administration and Improve Your Security

A question was asked on the maestro-l mailing list recently about how to restrict the actions of a user so that they only have read-only access to objects in the plan and database, and also, they must only be able to "see" a subset of TWS workstations, despite there being additional agents running under the [...]

By |28 February 2014|TWS|0 Comments

Tivoli Workload Scheduler 9.2 Released

IBM Announcement Letter Detailed System Requirements for Tivoli Workload Scheduler 9.2 Detailed System Requirements for Tivoli Dynamic Workload Console 9.2 Not included in the TWS 9.2 bundle:- Jazz for Service Management Version 1.1 Fix Pack 2     Part Numbers Linux x86-64 IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler 9.2 for Linux on X86-64 eAssembly (CRQI7ML) IBM Tivoli [...]

By |28 February 2014|TWS|0 Comments

Restricting Visibility Of Plan and Database Objects with the TWS Security File

Using the TWS security file, it is possible to remove the ability for a subset of users from seeing any objects in the plan or database, except for those belonging to an agent, or set of agents, you designate. There are 2 elements to enabling this functionality:- - The optman setting enListSecChk. Use optman chg [...]

By |16 February 2014|TWS|2 Comments