

Deploying ITM OS Agents with ITCAM for Microsoft Applications v6.2.3

Deploying IBM Tivoli Monitoring operating system agents using ITCAM for Microsoft Applications is a quick and easy process. ITCAM for Microsoft Applications v6.2.3 is supplied with a number of workspaces and utilities that  discover unmanaged servers on your network, and allow you to deploy operating system agents to servers from a single screen. The Launchpad [...]

By |22 April 2011|ITM|0 Comments

ITM 6.2.2 Agentless Monitoring with SNMP

Agentless monitoring has been around for a while in ITM 6 and it gives you the ability to remotely monitor key operating metrics without installing a traditional ITM agent on the server itself.  A number of protocols are available to extract operating system information and have this info presented in the TEP, with the most [...]

By |18 April 2011|ITM|0 Comments

Changing The User An ITM Agent Runs As

There are occasions where you want to run an agent under a particular userid, and not the one that was used to install the product. The ITM agent for MQ, for example, needs to run under the mqm account and similarly the ITM for DB2 agent must run under the instance owner, otherwise no data [...]

By |10 March 2011|ITM|1 Comment