The UK Tivoli User Group is independent and user-run, dedicated to connecting IBM customers and providing free, bi-annual meetings which deliver presentations covering workload automation, event management, monitoring and storage topics. Customers who attend have a chance to interact with the developers and product specialists to understand the features of the latest releases and see the roadmaps for their chosen tracks.
These meetings are a great opportunity to introduce yourself to other customers who are often facing similar, common challenges relating to migrations, upgrades, best practices etc.
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 restrictions, the May 2020 meeting was hosted as a virtual event. I delivered a presentation discussing the latest version of IBM Workload Scheduler running on Red Hat OpenShift 4 which reflects IBM and HCL’s commitment to container-based delivery of some of their key applications.
In the video below, even if you’re completely new to containers and kubernetes, I cover the fundamentals of this new way of working and would encourage any Workload Scheduler administrator to devote time to picking up skills in these areas because, as I say in the video, kubernetes is very, very challenging, but it is not going to go away! I genuinely believe the technical skills of an IBM or HCL Workload Scheduler administrator will be radically altered within a couple of years.
All aboard the k8s train.
The presentation runs about 55 minutes long and covers the whys and hows of installing and managing IWS when working with Red Hat OpenShift and I demo deploying and scaling Master Domain Managers, Dynamic Workload Consoles and agents . If watching YouTube isn’t your thing, I will put additional posts up covering each of the main topics as well – here’s part 1.
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